Shelter Needs
If you are here, you might be considering pitching in. Thank you, we could use your help!
If you would like to donate funds, please check out our donate page!
If you would like to donate from a wish list, please check out our wish lists below!
If you would like to help us with items/services you might have access to, please keep reading!
Shelter Needs: Items that can be donated
Dog / Puppy Care
Collars & Leashes
Dog Crates
Stainless Food & Water Bowls
Heart worm Prevention
Dog Food & Puppy Food
Toys and Chew Toys (super chewer ones especially, but all are welcomed!)
Dog Treats (rawhide free please)​
​Shelter Supplies
Paper Towels
Latex Gloves
Laundry Detergent
Dish Soap
Trash Bags
Copy Paper
Laminating Sheets
File Folders
Blankets, towels, sheets
Shelter Needs: Services
​We have some long range goals up our sleeve. One of them is to renovate/expand where our pets can be safely sheltered (new buildings, new kennels, new play yard for the dogs) until they find loving adoptive parents. We are so grateful to accept your monetary donations, but are also eager to receive generous donations from yours or your company’s services. Say you own a business where we could hold fundraisers, or you might work for a printing company that could provide printing for our promotional material, or maybe you have connections with a car dealership so we could secure a new van, or maybe you can help with building and fencing repairs … remember, we need all kinds of help and we certainly welcome it all.