Tails of Joy
Meet some of our doggos who have found their homes!

This beautiful guy is living a life full of adventure! Here's what his awesome adopter had to say, "Christmas of 2021 I adopted Scout from the Conour Animal Shelter. I had seen him in photos on the adoption site and instantly fell in love. On a Saturday I took the chance that he was available and drove out to Monte Vista. He was there! I brought him home and vouched to him “oh the places we will go” and “oh, have we gone!” Scout is my true soul pup… the best adventure buddy a gal could ever ask for!"​​

Jack was part of a litter of six who came to us at two weeks old. He was adopted at 4 months old and here's what his family had to say! "Jack is fitting into our family better than I could have ever expected!!! He’s already learned to navigate life with a Daddy missing a leg and in a wheelchair!!! He’s also learned (on his own) when Daddy is in severe pain to come and comfort him until the pain subsides!!! The love Jack has brought into our lives is second to none, he keeps us entertained and he’s getting all the love in his life he deserves!!! Thank You VERY Much for such an AMAZING, Life changing experience!!!"

Justice found an awesome home after waiting 602 days! We all celebrated this girl's journey out of the kennel and into a loving family! Here's what her mama has to say, "Justice is doing so good :) and is the love of both mine and Joy's life! We definitely couldn't have been blessed with a beter doggo! She's loved by both our families and has lots of new friends! Especially the neighborhood chihuahua!". Way to go Justice! We are over the moon for you!​

Jimothy found a loving family with two kiddos after waiting 91 days at the shelter. Here's what his new mama had to say, "I am so grateful for Conour! They are an absolute blessing to the community! It is so awesome to see how well the pups are treated and obviously well loved!!" We are so grateful that this beautiful boy found his family, this total gentleman deserves such a good life!

Drools had been at Conour for over 700 days before he caught anyone's attention! Kacey King, Relay for Rescue, came into his life and changed it forever. Kacey moved into the shelter and lived with Drools for almost 2 weeks! The videos and attention Mr. Drools got during this time brought "his person" to him! Drools was adopted on November 4, 2020 and found his home!

Spot's first owner passed away, leaving him with no other options but to transition from a home to a kennel. He has always been such a good buddy, but his big guy size made it harder to find a new home. After waiting 286 days, Mr. Spot found a great family with 3 kiddos who were ready to make him theirs! Yay, Spot!

There might have been tears shed with this awesome guy found his home after waiting 457 days at the shelter! Adam's family loves him so very much, and they didn't waste a minute letting him know his new life had begun! They were taking him on outdoor adventures his very first week being home! His family came back the following year and adopted another awesome pittie from us, and Adam has a sister now along with his human brother! This beautiful doggo is HOME!

Blizzard had three challenges 1) lupus 2) trusting humans and 3) not liking other doggos. Blizzard needed someone to see past all of the challenges to the beautiful heart below it. And, his adopter did just that. She took her time, letting him warm up to her.... visit and after visit. And Blizzard started to feel friendlier and friendlier toward her... and we knew there was a chance! After 404 days of waiting, Blizzard found his home! He has settled in and is warming up to other dogs now, and we are so happy for this polar bear.

"So, for a couple of years we had been thinking about getting a new pup. Since we had to put down our black lab, who lived to be 18 years old, it was hard to start again. We'd been regularly looking at the CONOUR FB page and saw a picture of a 6 month old Cider 2 days after Christmas. We decided to go visit him. While he went completely wild, bouncing off the walls of the small office where we met him (and I had reservations because of that), my wife convinced me that he was the one.
And, he was the one. He's turned out to be one of the best dogs we've ever had. He has become a great outdoor companion - hiking with both of us, mountain biking and cross country skiing with me almost daily. He bagged his first 14er on Monday! We feel very lucky to have him. Thank You CONOUR for everything you do!"

"We adopted Mack from Conour. Mack sadly past away in January from fast growing lymphoma. Our story starts at Tractor Supply, where we first met him (then named Stubbs), he was kind of shy and wasn't interacting much. That was until my husband walked by, he perked up and got happy, showing us his beautiful smile! We continued into the store and the next thing we knew Mack was pulling his volunteer over to us as fast as he could, that's when my husband knew he was ours...we spent two years loving on him and all the dogs became fast friends. Mack's favorite things were getting the chewy boxes, snapping the bubble wrap and playing with his sister, Vixen." Beautiful Mack... we are so sorry for your loss and we are so grateful that he was so loved.

Seamus (the wiry guy on the right) was adopted from Conour in 2023. His buddy on the left is his Mastiff homie! Here's what his adopter had to say about his progress after a year at home! "Seamus has settled in and finally grown into a mature dog - with tons of puppy still intact! He was left out of the crate in the house with his buddies for the first time and yeah, no garbage or chewed shoes or things off the counters. He is doing a great job when alone with his human...
Seamus is good about coming when called, loves to jump up and sneak a face lick! He is a total water dog, lays in anything wet. Always smiling. People comment on his wiry coat and long nose. He is a funny, easy-going, energetic boy who gets along with everyone and has some cat friends he plays with too!"

"We adopted Valiant in February 2022. I first met valiant my second week of working at the shelter. I was a bit afraid of him at first because he had a big voice but I soon absolutely fell in love with him! At the time I wasn't able to adopt him and someone else scooped him up... I thought if he somehow came back or got relinquished that it would be fate and I'd bring him home. He ended up coming back I think around a year later due to some unfortunate circumstances but I was able to take him this time around and it's been amazing, he instantly clicked with his new sister and they became quick best friends! He definitely needed some work but he's been with us for a few years and I love him he's a big cuddly couch potato that needs to be by my side or touching me at all times. I'm very thankful to the shelter for helping this adoption happen!"